Author Comments – Shaman King – 1998

Shaman King, Hiroyuki Takei’s most well-known series started it’s serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in the 31st issue in 1998. Previously he worked on his Butsu Zone manga series in the same magazine.

Within Weekly Shonen Jump, on the “Table of Contents” page located at the back of the magazine, each author can leave a short comment to their fans. Often creators will leave short comments about their daily life or highlight some projects they are working on. By 1998, Hiroyuki Takei already was married and had a child, so these comments provide a unique insight to Hiroyuki Takei’s personal life.

Below is a transcription of the original Japanese text along with a rough English translation. For some of these comments, we are also providing some additional information/context. There may be some minor errors. The comments listed here are for the ones where the issue number for Weekly Shonen Jump was for 1998.

Issue #Release Date
Chapter #Author Comment
Author Comment
Additional Information
316/29/981もしぼくかShamanだったらDisneyや手塚先生の墓を呼んでみたい。これはつまりそんなマンガです。 最史的な英雄と話せたりしたらどんなに素敵な事でしょう。死んだおばあちゃんにも会えるしね。If I were a Shaman, I would want to visit the graves of Disney and Tezuka-sensei. That’s what this manga is about. How great it would be to talk to the great historical heroes. And I would want to meet my dead grandma too.Osamu Tezuka, pioneering manga creator (Astro Boy, Black Jack, .etc) who died in 1989.
327/6/982あのウワサの会報紙ともしびH・Pになりました。 機会があったら見に来てね。Jには秘密だぞ!?The rumor is that there is a Tomoshibi webpage now. If your lucky enough to see it, then read it. But don’t tell Jump about it!Tomoshibi Online was the webpage referenced and is still partially available as of 2024.
337/13/983土合固めはもうちょっとで終わり。 いよいよ本編に入ある時が近づいてきました。いやー楽しみだなー。The hardening of the soil is almost over. It’s finally time to get into the main story. I’m really looking forward to it.
347/18/984なれあいって格好想いからガマンしてたかもうだめだ。やったな尾田君! お互いがんばろうI’ve been holding it back until now before saying it since I wanted to look cool. We did it Oda-kun!! Let’s both do our best.Eiichiro Oda, creator of One Piece, who previously was an assistant to Nobuhiro Watsuki on Rurouni Kenshin with Hiroyuki Takei. The honorific of “-kun”, rather than “-sensei” is used here as they are likely still close friends rather than seasoned mangaka.
357/27/985一年以上前にサントラ買った「オースティンパワーズ」かやっと公開されあ。絶対見に行こ一ブと。Over a year ago I bought the “Austin Powers” soundtrack that has finally been released in theaters. I’m definitely going to see it.US movie release was May 2, 1997 and the Japanese movie released on August 1, 1998.
368/3/986網戸に立派なカブト虫がくっついてました。どこから逃げて来たのか日常の中ではなんて不自然な虫There was a magnificent beetle standing on my door. Where did it come from? What a unique insect to see during an unremarkable day.
37-388/10/987この夏休みは温泉温泉郷にでも行ってスマートボールなど いそしもうと思っています。あとは廃虚巡りもFor summer vacation, I plan on going to a hot springs resort and spend time playing Smart Ball. I also plan on touring some ruinsSmart Ball is a combination of pinball and pachinko.
398/24/988皆機お盆はいかかおすごしになったでしょうか。ぼくは恐山のイタコ見てさました。という竜は…!!Did you have a good Obon? I saw an Itako that was from Mt. Osore. And that dragon was…!!
408/31/989やばい. SDガンダムGGおもしろすぎ。ガンダム好きにはたまらん内客にもはや中蜜状態。助けてOh no. SD Gundam GG looks so fun. Gundam fans won’t be able to hold back. Help me.SD Gundam G Generation” released on August 6, 1998 in Japan for the PlayStation.
419/7/9810今回のカラーの1枚目が気にいってる。ちょっと70年代っぽくてなかなかステキだと愚う。I like the color opening in this chapter. It has a 70s vibe and is quite stunning.
429/14/9811にカゼをひいたら、なんとレんといことか。こうには気をつけなくちゃ、と愚いますIf I catch a cold, it will be hell. I got to be careful about not catching it.
439/21/9812久しぷりにるろうに組の築会がありました。和月先生のしごとばはぼくらの町がいちばらできる、ソてりな所。It’s been a while since there was a meeting of the Rurouni group. Watsuki-sensei’s workplace is very relaxing and allows you to do your best.Takei was previously was an assistant to Nobuhiro Watsuki for the Rurouni Kenshin manga with various other manga artists who later created their own series (such as Eiichiro Oda with One Piece).
449/28/9813僕は「まんが日本昔諸」か大好きだ。あの美拳! そして何より地蔵の大活躍がすげーかっこいいっ!!I love “Manga Nihon Mukashi Banashi”. That beautiful fist! But more importantly, Jizo’s great performance is so cool!Manga Nihon Mukashi Banashi is a collection of 10 minute episode featuring Japanese folklore. The series was rebroadcasted after ending in 1994, including taking the slot of Pokémon in 1997 when it was off the air for months in early 1998.

Jizo is in reference to one of characters from his Butsu Zone manga series.
4510/5/9814いやあ一すっかり秋の空ですね。実にすがすがしくて気特ちのいいこんな日は山の湖に行きたいな一The beautiful autumn sky is here. I want to go visit a mountain-side lake and enjoy a pleasant day like today.
4610/12/9815新東京タワーができるらしい。東京タワーがベストプレスの僕としては非常に気になる所だが。温度討付置物は!?I hear that a new Tokyo Tower will be built. As the current Tokyo Tower is the best-preserved tower in Japan, I am very curious about it. Will it also tell us the temperature!?The “new Tokyo Tower” would later be named “Tokyo Skytree.”
4710/19/9816部屋がおもちゃやら本やら何やらでC200%状態。レゴを寛っても飾れないので困ります。作りて一ッ。My room is at 200% capacity with toys, books, and such. I can’t even display my Lego sets. I wanna build.
4810/26/9817家族で公園へP。何をするワケでも何があるワケでもなしめに心か充足する素ばらしい一日でした。I went to the park with my family. It was a wonderful day and we enjoyed everything we did together.
4911/2/9818すごくおいしい博多ラーメンのお店を発見!こんが本物のトンコツか〜。 毎週通うコトに決めましたI’ve found a really delicious ramen shop in Hakata! Is this Tonkotsu the real deal? I’m now going every week.Hakata is an area near Fukuoka City.
5011/9/9819ファンレターいつもありがとうございます。正月に向けて、お越し計算機っています。 お楽しみに!Thank you for all of your fan letters. For the new year we are going to start keeping count. Thanks again!
5111/16/9820毎退行くはすの博多ラーメン屋さんが夜閉まるのが早 い。夜のステキな散歩が好きなのに困ったなーThe Hakata ramen shop I go to closes early every day. I like to go on a nice walk at night, but this is a problem.
5211/21/9821コイケヤのP・Cたこやき味は関東でほ出ない? 毎度三芳P・Aに寛い出しにいく程うまいのですがDoesn’t Koike-ya’s Takoyaki flavored potato chips come out in the Kanto region? It’s so good I need to go to Miyoshi Rest Stop just to get a taste.Koike-ya sells a variety of different potato chips in Japan and around the world.


  • The Grand Line for actual Weekly Shonen Jump release dates.
  • 咲良さくら, Dit, 晴, Clover, Stacey, Elliot Têtedoie for Japanese transcription assistance